Our Beliefs
We, the members of Turning Point Christian Church (TPCC) of Fredericksburg, associated with no denomination, but a completely unaffiliated body of believers, are an elder led body, that relies on congregational input, in order to promote the work of the Christian Church as established in the Bible, do hereby adopt the below beliefs as part of our Constitution.
- We believe the scriptures to be true, and free from error. (John 17:7)
- We believe the entirety of the Bible is God breathed and that it is useful for training in righteousness, so that we might become effective in serving and loving each other. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21)
- We believe that the Bible is a revelation of God and his plan for the salvation of humankind. (2 Timothy 3:15)
- God the Father
- We believe the God sanctifies us and prepares us for work through the Holy Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
- We believe that God is infinitely perfect. (Matthew 5:48)
- We believe God is the creator and ruler of all things in the universe. (Acts 17:24).
- We believe that there is one God who exists externally as three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19, John 14:1)
- Jesus Christ
- We believe at Christ’s return there will be a new heaven and earth with the wicked cast into hell and the redeemed will live forever on the new earth (I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Luke 16:23, Revelation 21:1).
- We believe Jesus was God in human form and Savior of the world. He left heaven for earth, was born of a virgin, died on the cross, was raised from the dead and ascended back to the heavenly Father (Philippians 2: 5-11).
- The Holy Spirit
We believe that baptism by water immersion, as a public declaration of belief and salvation through Christ, symbolizes Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. (Acts 2:38, Acts 2:41, Romans 6:3-6, I Peter 3:21)
- We believe salvation is by grace alone through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (Ephesians 2:8, I Corinthians 15:3-4).
- We believe the greatest evidence of salvation is living out a life of love (I John 4:7-21).
- When a person reaches a turning point in their life and decides to give the entirety of their life to Christ. They will demonstrate obedience to Christ by living faithfully until Christ returns (Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9, 2 Corinthians 5:15, 1 Peter 3:21, Revelation 2:10)
We believe that the observation of The Lord's Supper should be open to all believers in Jesus Christ as a memorial of His sacrificial death. (I Corinthians 11:20–34)
- We believe that the term “marriage”, as sanctioned by God, joins one man and one woman, as their sex was determined at birth, in a single, covenantal union. Whenever there is a conflict between the church’s position (Genesis 1:27; 2:24; Ephesians 5:22-25; Mark 10:6-9; I Corinthians 7:1-9); and any new legal standard for marriage, the church’s Statement of Faith, doctrines, and biblical positions will govern.
- The facilities of TPCC may only be used for the purpose of biblically and church defined marriage as defined in Article III, Section F, Paragraph 1
- No Pastor(s) or Elder(s) of TPCC may not perform any other marriage ceremony or marriages, not defined in Article III, Section F, Paragraph 1, either inside or outside of church facilities.
We believe the Scriptures teach that God disapproves of divorce. People in the church must be faithful to their spouse. Divorce and remarriage does not preclude anyone from serving the Lord in the church. (Malachi 2:14-17, Matthew 19:3-12, Mark 10:11-12, Romans 7:1-3, I Timothy 3:2-12, Titus 1:6, I Corinthians 7:10-16)
- We believe that the Church is a Fellowship of Believers devoted to Christ’s teachings. We join together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. (Acts 2:41–47)
- We believe that the Church is made up of those that are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Church. (Ephesians 1:22–23, Colossians 1:17-18)
- We believe that the purpose of the Church, as commissioned by Jesus Christ, is to go into the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all nations to make disciples of Jesus and baptizing people in His name. (Matthew 28:19–20)
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return soon with great power and glory. This is our “blessed hope” to be reunited with our Lord and Savior in Heaven. (Hebrews 10:37, Luke 21:27, John 14:1-3, Titus 2:11-14)
We believe that Heaven and Hell are both literal places. Those who place their faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in Heaven with the Lord. Those who reject Jesus’ free gift of salvation will spend eternity separated from the Lord in Hell. (Matthew 5:3, 5:22, 18:9, 25:31-34, Mark 9:42-49, Luke 12:5, John 3:18, Hebrews 12:23, I Peter 1:4, Revelation 20:11-15)
- Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God: however, he fell through disobedience, resulting in both physical and spiritual death. (Genesis 1:26-27, 3:22-24, Romans 6:23)
- All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:23, I Corinthians 15:20-23)
- Those not believing, or living an unrepentant life, will live eternally in torment. (Revelation 21:8)
- Believers will live eternally in everlasting joy and free of pain. (Revelation 21:1-4)
- We believe that mankind must take care to uphold the Word of God, and not engage in moral compromise or affirm any sin such as sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, stealing, greed, drunkenness, slander, swindling, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, factions, or envy. (Romans 12:2, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:21-32, Galatians 5:19-21)
- Scripture makes it clear that it is not only sinful to engage in homosexual unions, but also to approve of such sins in others or encourage their practice. As a result, in order to maintain our consistent Christian witness, we cannot sanction, approve, or promote in any way adultery, fornication (a sexual relationship between an unmarried man and woman; i.e. “cohabitation”). (Romans 1:18-32, I Corinthians 3:16, 6:9-20)
- We believe that human life begins at conception and that the unborn child is a living human being. We believe that abortion is murder by taking an unborn human life. (Psalm 13-16, Isaiah 44:24, 49:1-5, Jeremiah 1:5, 20:15-18, Luke 1:44)
We believe that Christians are prohibited from bringing civil lawsuits within the church and should make every effort to live in peace and resolve disputes with each other in private or within the church. (I Corinthians 6:1-8, Ephesians 4:31-32).
We believe that the laws of the land should be upheld at all times except in matters opposed to the Word of God. (Romans 13:1-5)